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Prostatic adenoma capsule

These symptoms can also be caused by other things that aren’t prostate cancer, like prostatitis (infection and swelling of the prostate), diabetes, or some medicines. But it’s still a good idea to prostatic adenoma capsule get any symptoms checked out by your GP so they can find out what’s causing them and make sure you get the right treatment if you need it. ON THIS PAGE: You will find out more about body changes and other things that can signal a problem that may need medical care. Often, early-stage prostate cancer has no symptoms or signs. It is usually found through a PSA test or DRE, prostatic adenoma capsule Prostatic adenoma capsule a process called screening. If a PSA test or DRE indicates that prostate cancer may prostatic adenoma capsule be present, more Prostate women monitoring and testing is needed to diagnose prostate cancer. When prostate cancer does cause symptoms or signs, it is usually diagnosed in a later stage. These symptoms and signs may include: Frequent urination Weak or interrupted prostatic adenoma capsule prostatic adenoma capsule urine flow prostatic adenoma capsule or the need to strain to empty the bladder The urge to urinate frequently at night Blood in the urine Blood in the seminal fluid New onset of erectile dysfunction Pain or burning during urination, which is much less common Discomfort or pain when sitting, caused by an enlarged prostatic adenoma capsule prostatic adenoma capsule prostate Sometimes men with prostate cancer do not have any of these prostatic adenoma capsule changes. Other noncancerous conditions of prostatic adenoma capsule the prostate, such as BPH or an enlarged prostate, can cause similar symptoms. Or, the cause of a symptom may be a different medical condition that is not cancer.

Function of prostate

Prostate 0.6

Prostate adenoma and erectile dysfunction

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