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Prostate mass

According to recent articles in the New York Times and Washington Post, PSA tests are essentially worthless.

You see, the PSA test simply reveals how much of the prostate antigen a man has in his blood, which is a Prostate mass marker of inflammation and can indicate cancer, but Prostate mass not necessarily. You see, infections, benign swelling of the prostate, and over-the-counter drugs (like Ibuprofen) are all factors that can elevate a man’s PSA level. Thomas Stamey of Stanford University was one of the original boosters of the PSA test. At a 2004 conference, he stated, “PSA no longer has a relationship to prostate cancer. You might as well biopsy a man because he has blue eyes.” In fact, the PSA test has been such a dismal failure Prostate mass in detecting prostate cancer, its inventor (Richard J. Ablin) has been speaking out against his own discovery for more than a decade! Most recently, in a March 2010 edition of The New York Hiperplazija prostate n 40 Prostate mass Times, Ablin wrote, “The [PSA] test is hardly more effective than a prostate mass coin toss. As I’ve been trying to prostate mass make clear for many years now, PSA testing can’t detect prostate cancer…The test’s popularity has prostate mass led to a hugely expensive public health disaster.” On a side note, a large body of evidence demonstrates that PSA is not prostate mass a “prostate-specific” antigen at all. As a matter of fact, PSA has been shown to be expressed in many forms of female tissues. The breast is a major female organ able to produce PSA.

Your Urine Can Reveal 4 Signs of Prostate Cancer Truth be told, prostate cancer is a relatively common occurrence among men in general.

But, only a very small percentage of men actually develop a clinically significant form of it. In other words, most prostate cancers remain perpetually latent and, for all intents and purposes, are completely harmless. Only a Prostate mass minute percentage of prostate cancers actually develop into a form that causes serious health problems. To avoid this latter type, it’s important to Prostate mass educate yourself on the most common signs prostate mass Prostate mass of prostate cancer in Prostate mass men associated with the development of prostate tumors. 4 Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer Symptoms of prostate Prostate mass cancer in men include bladder and urinary problems that result in: 1.

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Prostate in hindi

07.05.2018 - GOZEL_OQLAN
Smoking Smoking has been that.
07.05.2018 - Zaur_Zirve
Cancer while it is still lifestyle choices which may impose an increased.
07.05.2018 - dfdf
You’ve had a prostate benign prostatic hyperplasia it’s located under the bladder and.
07.05.2018 - Drakon
Your doctor right away vitamins and nutrients that third (36.4.


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