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Gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates

Also, if you already have a confirmed case of prostate cancer, this test is still approved for gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates cancer staging or grading. Before you consider having a PSA blood test, talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits. Find out more about gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates the pros and cons of having a PSA test.

Gleason scale If you’ve Had a prostate biopsy, you’ll Gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates receive a Gleason score. Pathologists use this score to classify the grade of prostate cancer cells.

The grade means how much the abnormal cells look like cancer, and how aggressive their growth seems to be.

A Gleason score lower than six means your Gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates cells don’t show signs of cancer, so your risk is low. If your score is seven or higher, your doctor will likely look at your score and your PSA level to gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates assess the cells. For instance, a Gleason score of 7, with a gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates PSA level between 10-20 ng/mL, means that cancer cells have been identified — but the cancer is likely nonaggressive, Gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates with slow-growing cells. A Gleason score of 8 or higher, With PSA gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates levels greater than 20 ng/mL, indicates a more advanced tumor. That means your risk of an aggressive cancer is higher. Learn about how a Gleason score is calculated and what your score means for you. Prostate cancer stages Your doctor will likely use Gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates both the results from your PSA test and your Gleason score to help determine the stage of your prostate cancer. This information helps your doctor plan your treatment. Another tool used in staging prostate cancer is the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TMN staging system. Like many other Gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates types of cancer, prostate cancer is staged using this system based on: Gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates the size or extent of the tumor the number of lymph nodes involved Gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates whether or not the cancer has spread (metastasized) to other sites or organs Prostate cancer stages range from Gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates 1 to 4.

Learn more about prostate cancer staging, and what each stage means. Prostate cancer treatment Your doctor will develop an appropriate treatment plan for your cancer based on your gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates age, health status, and the stage of your cancer. If the cancer is nonaggressive, your doctor Prostate v may recommend watchful waiting, which is also called active surveillance. This means you’ll delay treatment but have regular checkups with your doctor to monitor the cancer. More aggressive types of cancer may be treated with other options, such as: gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates surgery radiation cryotherapy hormone therapy chemotherapy gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates stereotactic radiosurgery If your cancer is very aggressive and has metastasized, there’s a Gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates good chance it has spread to your bones. For bone metastases, the above treatments may be used, in gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates addition to others. Learn more about treatments and outlook for bone metastases. Prostatectomy Gleason 9 prostate cancer survival Gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates rates A prostatectomy is a surgical procedure during which part or all of your prostate gland is removed. If Gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates you have prostate cancer that hasn’t spread outside of the prostate, your gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates doctor may suggest that you have a radical prostatectomy.

With this Procedure, the entire prostate gland is removed. There are different types of radical prostatectomies. Some are open, which means you’ll have a larger incision in Prostate 12 your lower abdomen. Others are laparoscopic, which means you’ll have several smaller incisions in your abdomen. Find out more about the types of surgical options and what to expect with a prostatectomy.

Prostate cancer survival rate If prostate cancer is diagnosed early and hasn’t spread from the original tumor, the outlook is usually good. Early detection and treatment are key to a positive Gleason 9 prostate cancer survival rates outcome. So, if you think you have symptoms of prostate cancer, you gleason 9 prostate cancer Survival rates should schedule an appointment with your doctor right away. However, if the cancer advances and spreads outside of your prostate, that will affect your outlook.

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