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3 prostate cancer cell lines

However, the numbers of American men with prostate cancer are going down.

See a chart of prostate cancer incidence and mortality in the United States. Types 3 prostate cancer cell lines of prostate cancer Most cases of prostate cancer are a type of cancer called an adenocarcinoma. This is a cancer that grows in the tissue of a gland, such as the prostate 3 prostate cancer cell lines gland. Prostate cancer is also categorized 3 prostate cancer cell lines by how fast it grows. It has 3 prostate cancer cell lines 3 prostate cancer cell lines two types of growths: aggressive, or fast 3 prostate cancer cell lines growing nonaggressive, or slow growing With nonaggressive prostate cancer, the tumor either doesn’t grow or grows very little over time. With aggressive prostate cancer, the tumor can grow quickly and may spread to 3 prostate cancer cell lines other areas of the body, such as the bones.

Prostate cancer causes and risk factors There’s no known cause for prostate cancer. Like all cancers, it could be caused by many things, including a family history or exposure to certain chemicals. Whatever the instigating factor is, it leads to cell mutations and uncontrolled cell growth in the prostate.

While prostate cancer could occur in any 3 prostate cancer cell lines 3 prostate cancer cell lines 3 prostate cancer cell lines man, certain factors raise your risk for 3 prostate cancer cell lines the disease.

These risk factors include: older age a family history of prostate cancer certain ethnicities or race — for 3 prostate cancer cell lines instance, African American males are at greater risk of having prostate cancer obesity genetic changes Where you live could also play a role in your prostate cancer risk. Find out more about causes 3 prostate cancer cell lines and risk factors for prostate cancer. Prostate cancer age As mentioned above, age is a primary risk factor for prostate 3 prostate cancer cell lines cancer.

The disease occurs most often in men older than age 65. In fact, according to The Prostate Cancer 3 prostate cancer cell lines Foundation, only 1 in 10,000 men 3 prostate cancer cell lines under the age of 40 will get prostate cancer. However, that number rises to 1 in 14 for men between the ages of 60 and 69.

Find out more about age and the incidence of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer symptoms Some forms of prostate cancer are 3 prostate cancer cell lines nonaggressive, so you may not have any 3 prostate cancer Cell lines symptoms. However, advanced prostate cancer often causes symptoms. If you have any of 3 prostate cancer cell lines the following signs or symptoms, don’t hesitate to call your doctor.

Some symptoms 3 prostate cancer cell lines of prostate cancer can be caused by other conditions, so you’ll need an examination.

They can make sure you receive the correct diagnosis and treatment. Symptoms of prostate cancer can include urinary problems, 3 prostate cancer cell lines sexual problems, and pain and numbness. Urinary problems Urinary problems are a common 3 prostate cancer cell lines symptom because the prostate is located beneath 3 prostate cancer cell M-stage prostate cancer lines the bladder, and it surrounds the urethra.

Because of this location, if a tumor grows on the prostate, it could press on the bladder or urethra and cause problems. Urinary problems can include: frequent need to urinate a stream that’s slower than normal bleeding while urinating (3 prostate cancer cell lines hematuria) Sexual problems Erectile dysfunction may 3 prostate cancer cell lines be a symptom of prostate cancer. Also called impotence, this condition makes you unable to get and keep an erection. Blood in the semen after ejaculation can also be a symptom of prostate cancer. Pain and numbness Metastatic cancer is cancer that has spread to other areas of the body from where it first occurred. When prostate cancer metastasizes, it often spreads to the bones.

This can cause pain in the: pelvic area back chest If the cancer spreads to the spinal cord, you may lose feeling in your legs and your bladder. Some men can have prostate cancer for years without any symptoms.

Early signs of prostate cancer While any Prostrate knotweed control of the above symptoms can be your first indication that you have prostate cancer, urinary 3 prostate cancer cell lines symptoms are more likely than other symptoms to appear early. It’s important to 3 Prostate cancer cell lines keep in mind that most of these symptoms can also be caused by other conditions that aren’t cancer. These conditions include benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis. So, while it’s important to keep tabs on any symptoms you may have, you should remember that there’s a good chance they’re not caused by cancer.

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Strongly linked to an increased chance of developing prostate cancer: Age for more information visit: www. eatforhealth. gov. au Prostate cancer.


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